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One drop of intention has the power to produce a tidal wave of success.


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Motivated action ignites with intention.


You set an intention to make a change when your incentive or inspiration to experience the result of that change outweighs your fears, justifications, explanations, and good reasons not to.


At Epsilon Coaching we are excited to be agents for the powerful and inspiring changes our clients make. We help people commit to their dreams and take the steps necessary to achieve the results they want to improve their careers, lives, personal satisfaction – and see long-held goals realized.


It’s hard to consistently be your own motivational speaker, cheerleader, sounding board, mentor, advisor, and drill sergeant. That’s why so many successful people, from Bill Gates to Serena Williams, have hired personal success and business coaches.


The proof is in the numbers…


Businesses who hire professional coaches for their leaders see a tremendous 221% to 570% ROI*:

  • 99% of people and businesses who hire coaches report being “satisfied” to “very satisfied” and 96% say they would hire a coach again. (ICF Global Coaching Client Study)

  • 95% of clients rate their coaches as “good” or “excellent.” (2009 ICF Global Coaching Study)

  • 68% of people who received coaching made back their investment, and of those people, they made back 3.44 times their coaching investment. (2009 ICF Global Coaching Study)

  • 86% of companies that tracked their coaching ROI indicated they made back their initial investment; 19% said they saw a 50x ROI; 28% realized 1- to 49x ROI; median ROI was 7x the investment. (2009 ICF Global Coaching Study)

  • 51% of companies that utilize coaching as an internal practice reported higher revenues than their competitors.


In another study (McGovern, Lindemann, Vergara, Murphy, Barker and Warrenfeltz with Manchester, Inc.) executives who received coaching reported substantial business results (% = frequency impact reported):

  • 61% greater job satisfaction among coached employees

  • 67% better teamwork

  • 52% reduced conflict

  • 53% increased productivity

  • 77% improved relationships with direct reports


Of course, it’s also very important that you hire a coach who meets your needs and expectations. Not just anyone will do. That’s why we offer a free, 60-minute Exploratory Intro Session. It gives you an opportunity to get your questions answered and to see if an Epsilon coach is the right coach for you. If not, we’re happy to refer you to some other coaches who may be a better fit for your personality, availability, and needs.


Be the captain of your own ship! 


Click below to learn more about Epsilon's Executive and Success Coaches and how we can help you achieve your career, personal, and business goals.


*According to a study by International Society for Performance Improvement, coaching has a 221% ROI for businesses that make coaches available to their leaders. In another study conducted by McGovern, Lindemann, Vergara, Murphy, Barker and Warrenfeltz with Manchester, Inc., a 570% ROI on business coaching is realized.



"For any business owners looking to scale, I would highly recommend Brett to help challenge and grow your team! When I started my agency (Killer Visual Strategies), I hired Brett to help train and coach my marketing team. The result was amazing! Following Brett's work with us, my marketing team was more confident, data driven, and ambitious than ever before. I've personally grown from Brett's advice and guidance over the years as well. He's been a great guide and confidant to have in my corner!"


Amy Balliett., Founder & CEO, Killer Visual Strategies (acquired by LRW Group)

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*Your phone number is optional, and we will assume if you provide it you would like to receive a phone call.

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