Join a Coaching or Mastermind Group
The coaches at Epsilon enjoy and appreciate the benefits of Group Coaching for people who learn from and hold each other accountable. This format can deliver outstanding results, as well as foster a strong community among participants that may go well beyond the group.
Group Coaching environments are best served by a qualified coach and leader to keep the group on track and create the container for powerful conversations.
Our Coaching and Mastermind Groups are ideally suited for people who like to be part of a peer community, and are willing to speak openly with others facing similar work and personal life challenges and opportunities.
Our groups put members' privacy as a top priority so that we may encourage honest discourse among group members. Joining an Epsilon group means you agree to our Group's Terms and Conditions put in place to ensure that Epsilon Groups are secure, safe places for authentic conversations.
We offer coaching and guidance for the following interest groups:
Creativity and Innovation Mastermind
Entrepreneurship Coaching
Nonprofit Leadership Mastermind​
If you are interested in in any of these groups, scroll down to see what we are currently offering. You will need to apply to join a Mastermind or Specialty Group. We may also offer groups without start dates to gauge interest.
If you have a Specialty or Mastermind Group you'd like us to start for a Coaching or Mastermind group of people you've already assembled, please contact us. We are available to facilitate other business and professional groups.​
Where are you going from here?
This is a simple question with a potentially complex answer, because we are usually going in lots of different directions. What is important is that the (often unavoidable) side trips don't derail you from your core path. It's ok to pull off and check out the Dinosaur Museum, but you may not want to move into it - or do you?
How will you know when you've arrived?
You can't really map out how to get to your destination unless you know where you're going. Maybe you knew 5, 10, 20 or more years ago - but life demands lots of adaptations (and a few side trips) . Perhaps what you need now is some clarity on what really matters to you - or maybe you want to get back to pursuing those long-held dreams. 'Arrival' at your destination depends on uncovering some core truths about what success looks like to you so that you know when you've finally arrived..
Mastermind Groups
Group Coaching Sessions
HOW WE BUILD AND OPERATE OUR GROUPS: The purpose for requiring an application is to make sure we are creating dynamic groups of people who share some common experiences. We do not discriminate with regard to gender identity, race, religion, or age. In fact, we love to have a diversity of members in our groups. Group membership decisions are based on individuals' relevant backgrounds, experiences, career/work, and availability. We put together groups once we have at least 5 people signaling interest who can meet regularly. If a group decides to meet more frequently, we are open to adding more sessions (time and availability permitting). Group sessions are regularly held via Zoom. If there is a different meeting platform established for your group, you will be given all the information you need to join. Group sessions may be weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly and new members may be added at any time, for a maximum of 20 members for Mastermind Groups and 30 members for Specialty Groups.
AS A GROUP MEMBER: By joining a group, you must agree to our Terms and Conditions. Epsilon Coaching Groups are each given a private Slack channel to communicate outside of group meetings. If you would like to join a group, but cannot afford the membership fee, please mention that in your application and let us know what you can afford to pay instead. We have designated a limited number of reduced fee group memberships for people who need them. Your privacy is important to us. We do not share any of your application or personal information with anyone outside of the Epsilon Coaching staff.